October 2024 Class Letter

Mark Your Calendars for Our 55th Reunion!

It’s been 16 months since our 50th reunion.  And it was a blast.  If you were there – thanks for participating and reconnecting with other classmates.  If you missed it, the 55th reunion is approaching on June 8-11, 2028.  

Speaking of Reunion, one of our projects at the last Reunion was a class directory. You can find it here to see what your classmates have been up to all these years.

Give Back By Supporting the Class of 1973 Scholarship

To donate to our class scholarship, please go here.

Thanks to the efforts of Wayne Merkelson, Susan Murphy and Ron Skalko, the class fundraising for fiscal year 23-24 did very well.  We are sure you received an email from Wayne and Susan, but here are the highlights:

  • 508 class donors
  • $5,161,685 total gifts raised
    • $344,686 to the annual fund
    • 95 classmates who gave $88,211 for our Class of 1973 Scholarship
  • 42 Tower Club level members
  • 313 donors gave in 5 or more consecutive years
  • 60 classmates are members of the Cayuga Society
  • Scholarship Fund 6/30/24 book value $652,926
    • We have had $52,000 in donations to the Scholarship Fund since June 30, 2024.  As of today, the fund’s book value is $705,000.  At this pace, there will be no problem getting to our goal of $1 million for our 55th reunion.

Class Dues Payers and Financials

Our goal for this year (fiscal 24-25) is the same as last year at 200 classmates.  In fiscal year 22-23, the year of our reunion, we reached 257 dues-paying classmates.  Lasy year, in fiscal year 23-24, we had 220 dues payers.  This year, fiscal year 24-25, we have 213 dues payers.  As you know, we reduced class dues to $25 per classmate and re-established auto-renewals. If you have’t paid your class dues yet, you can do that here.

We just received the final fiscal year 23-24 operating report for the class account.  We started the year with a balance of $72,764 and ended the year with a balance of $65,808, a reduction of $6,946.  We took in class dues of $14,464 and paid reunion expenses of $9,605, printing, mailing and postage of $7,370, CALC (in Baltimore) fees of $1,347, and CACO dues of $500.

Class Website

If you have anything related to the class that you would like us to post, please let us know.  We will pass it on to our webmaster (Paul Cashman) to update the site.

Other Key Dates

  • The International Spirit of Zinck’s Night is Thursday, October 17.  This link can lead to events in your area.  https://alumni.cornell.edu/come-back/cornell-traditions/celebrate-cornell/ 
  • On Saturday, November 30, the Frozen Apple Hockey game at Madison Square Garden is against Quinnipiac. We will not have a class block of tickets but this link can tell you how to get tickets and other groups with ticket blocks.    https://alumni.cornell.edu/come-back/cornell-traditions/hockey/.
    • As in the past, our class is joining with other classes of the 70’s for a pre-game get-together.  Deb Gelman ’75, Class President, has arranged to have the event at Avienda (formerly called Lucy’s) at One Penn Plaza, SE corner of 34th Street and 8th Avenue so it is geographically desirable for MSG.  The cost is $5 for preregistration and $10 at the door.  We don’t have any information on how to register so I suggest you contact Deb directly at dsgellman@hotmail.com to pre-register.  
  • The Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference (CALC) will be in Philadelphia on February 20-23.  As the class has done in the past, we will pay for those registering early and attending.  The President’s Council of Cornell Women (PCCW) will be holding a symposium at the same time.  https://alumni.cornell.edu/volunteer/leadership/calc/
  • Our 55th reunion is only 1,360 days away.  June 8-11, 2028.  Save the date!

We think that’s about it for now.  Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or thoughts about the class and class activities.  

Thank you for your continuing support of the class and Cornell,

Debbie Rothman (dgr9@cornell.edu)
Rick Saltz (res234@cornell.edu)
